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Finding the right foam inserts for cases is an essential part of protecting your valuable merchandise. Foam inserts not only offer extra protection, but the addition of foam padding to a case also provides a wide variety of opportunities for stand-out product presentation and organization. We carry a complete range of options for foam-lined cases, foam-filled cases, and custom foam inserts to cushion and protect your product, including polyurethane, polyethylene, crosslink, polylam, Ethafoam, eperan, expanded polystyrene (EPS), among other foams. For display cases and presentation cases, we also offer flocked foam for intense color display.
Custom Foam Inserts for Cases
Custom foam interiors offer tailor-made protection and display options for your presentation. Source offers expert design, die-cutting, water-jet cutting, routing, and fabrication to ensure your case’s contents are safe, secure, organized, and aesthetically pleasing. Many designs require no tooling; complicated designs require inexpensive cutting dies. We are experts in fabricating, die cutting, routing, water-jet cutting, and laminating a variety of foams including polyurethane; polyether foam and polyester foam, polyethylene; polylam foam, Ethafoam, and cross link foams.
Our stock foam options are cost-effective alternatives for those under tight time constraints or for the Do-It-Yourselfer (DIY) with a smaller budget. Make your own foam insert with our stock polyurethane and polyethylene foam sheets for shock absorbency and added protection; convoluted foam (also known as egg crate foam) which conforms to the shape of your merchandise and instrumentation for a tighter fit, or diced (or pick-and-pluck) foam which allows you to remove foam cubes to form a cavity shape best suited for your wares. Our foam sheets are available in a variety of thicknesses. Works as gun case foam insert for transportation as well as many other applications. The charcoal ester foam sheets are available in ½” and 1” thick solid sheets or die-cut — diced, Pick ‘N’ Pluck style. The black polyethylene foam sheets are available in 1" and 2" thick solid sheets. Foam cuts easily with a sharp knife and can be laminated with hot melt or spray glue or, if your project is more intricate, we can develop a custom foam interior to suit your specific needs.
Stock foam sheets ship UPS Ground only. Free utility knife with purchase of over $50 in foam sheets.
Our sales engineers understand the strengths and limitations of foam densities and load-bearing characteristics and will guide you through the design process from concept to completion. Send us your equipment, a drawing, or if you are local, we can visit you to discuss your requirements. Contact us to discuss your needs. No need to find another source for customizing your cases, we do it all…in house, on time and within your budget.